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In 2010 Pemo published an ebook (the findings of 1 year of research with VCs, angels & women founders) “Why are Women Funded Less than Men? a crowdsourced conversation” available for free download on Scribd. And 13 years later {California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Senate Bill 54, which will require venture capital firms in the state to annually report the diversity of the founders they are backing. This is the United States’ first piece of legislation that aims to increase diversity within the venture capital landscape. The law will go into effect on March 1, 2025.}
Check out Forbes post about this project on the shortfall in funding for women by J. Maureen Henderson “Crowdsourcing A Conversation On The Start-up Funding Gap“
Also Geri Stengel’s post “How Can We Increase Venture Capital Investments in Women-led Businesses?”
This video was mentioned by Mark Suster on his blog Both Sides of the Table “Why Aren’t there More Women Entrepreneurs?” & reposted on FastCompany
Why are Women Funded Less than Men? a crowdsourced conversation
by Pemo Theodore, Media Publisher
Why are women funded less than men: a crowdsourced conversation by Pemo Theodore
Adobe ebook with 120 transcribed interviews with 29 venture capitalists, 18 female founders & 7 others in the industry.
This book, as with the video interview project from which it arises is an attempt to bring human faces & voices to the issue of the lack of female entrepreneurs that are successful raising venture or angel capital & also the lack of women venture capitalists & angel investors in comparison with men.
Some of the women entrepreneurs that I interviewed included Cindy Gallop, IfWeRanTheWorld; Jessica Jackley, Profounder; Danae Ringelman, Indiegogo; Emily Olsen, Foodzie; Indu Navar, Serus Corporation; Jennifer Toney, WeMakeItSafer; Julia Hu, Lark; Leila Chirayath Janah, Samasource; Lisa Stone, Blogher; Penny Herscher, First Rain; Prerna Gupta, khu.sh; Susan Coelius Keplinger, Triggit; Tereza Nemessanyi, Honestly Now & Wendy Lea, Get Satisfaction.
Some of the fabulous female venture capitalists that I interviewed were Ann Miura-Ko, Floodgate; Beth Seidenberg, Kleiner Perkins; Catharine Merigold, Vista VC; Cindy Padnos, Illuminate Ventures; Dimple Sahni, DS Inc; Eve Phillips, Blumberg Capital; Gina Raimondo, Point Judith Capital; Jalak Jobanputra, New York Investment Fund; Janice Roberts, Mayfield Fund;Margit Wennmachers, Andreesen Horowitz; Nancy Pfund, DBL Investors; Natalia Oberti Noguera, Pipeline Fund; Patricia Nakache, Trinity Ventures; Rachel Sheinbein, CMEA & Trae Vassallo, Kleiner Perkins.
Some of the male venture capitalists that I interviewed were Brad Feld, Foundry Group; Cameron Lester, Azure Capital; Chris Dixon, Founder Collective; Dave McClure, 500 Startups; Fred Destin, Atlas Venture; Fred Wilson, Union Square Ventures; Guy Kawasaki, Garage Ventures; Jason Mendelson, Foundry Group; Jeff Bussgang, Flybridge Partners; Jeff Clavier, Softtech VC; Mark Suster, GRP Partners; Neil Rimer, Index Ventures & Randy Komisar, Kleiner Perkins.
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Just some of the feedback about the book
Pemo Theodore takes the smart approach: to rise above the platitudes that generally characterize the gender diversity debate, she goes into the trenches: interview after interview of many of the thought leaders of our industry, she explores each facet of what it’s like to be a woman building a company.
Fred Destin, Partner Atlas Venture
Pemo interviews across the spectrum: VCs, entrepreneurs, those who have succeeded, some that have failed, all that have learned and share their experience with you. It’s a terrific resource if you are raising money from venture capital, plan to do so for your next brilliant idea or are a VC yourself wanting to unlock higher quality deals by tapping into the female advantage.
Penny Herscher, CEO First Rain
Do you want to own the future? Do you want to change the world? Do you want to back the most innovative, groundbreaking, transformative ventures? Do you want to make bucketloads of money? Then you HAVE to read this book. Pemo Theodore’s extremely thorough, thoughtful, insightful, balanced and crowdsourced research into why women get funded less than men demonstrates why so many investors are shooting themselves in the foot.
Cindy Gallop, CEO IfWeRanTheWorld
What Pemo Theodore has done in her powerful video book is capture for us the individual journey of the female entrepreneur. Through this unscripted lens Pemo has translated the opportunity at hand for the economy, innovation, and society. Pemo’s book is both timely and timeless. Brava!
Sharon Vosmek, CEO Astia
Review of the ebook done by Penny Herscher, CEO FirstRain on her blog The Grassy Road
This ebook was mentioned in i7 Summit Blog , Girls in Tech, TheNextWomen, Ogunte: Global Tribal Network & Women2.0 & Startup America Partnership Blog
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